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different ages


Can we stop aging?




Why does every living organism undergo the aging process and ultimate mortality? What forms the foundation of age-related ailments? Could lessons from other creatures provide insights into extending lifespans?

In 2016, a pivotal moment occurred with the World Health Organization classifying death from old age as a disease. This watershed decision implies that, akin to any other ailment, it could potentially be managed and cured through medical interventions or alternative approaches.

Join us for a riveting lecture, delving into the current state of research in this ever-evolving field. Explore the strides made and the projected timeline for making treatments and interventions accessible to the wider population. Engage with actionable insights that can be embraced today as we embark on an illuminating journey to comprehend and potentially reshape the course of aging.


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All his rightReserves for Dr. Nitzan Kozlovsky. Moshav Sde Avraham Western Negev 054-2266319 |

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